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Interpretive Hike: Old Midland Railroad Grade First Day Hike Profile Photo

Interpretive Hike: Old Midland Railroad Grade First Day Hike

 01/01/2023  |  09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
  Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area  |  Registration Required

Special Events - All Ages

A short fun hike will be conducted in the scenic northern Fourmile Recreation Area in the area of the Old Midland Railroad Grade. The loop will be designed so that hiking will be done on the existing roads, trails, and major washes in the area – little cross-country foot travel will be done in deep snow. The route will be adjusted to the snow conditions on the day of the event. We plan to hike out to the northeast on Forest Service Road #376A, with sweeping views of the southern Upper Arkansas Valley, the southern Sawatch Range, and into the heart of the North Fourmile Recreation Area and Big Sandy Wash. We will also have fantastic close-up views of granitic cliffs, ledges, and boulder formations of the Arkansas Hills. We turn south on the new Sausage Link Trail just prior to crossing Big Sandy Wash and head south and west to climb out of the wash and wind our way up to a high overlook down into Big Sandy Wash from the top of the cliffs on the west side of the wash, where we have a great place for a lunch stop. Then, we head west and south up to beautiful views and winding trail through stunning boulders and ledges and on down through open forest and boulder outcrops back to the Midland RR Grade just a quarter mile east of the parking area where the hike began. See linked document for full description of this hike.

Maximum Participants: 13

Registration is required for this activity. Click "register" to reserve your spot.

Links General Info
Jennifer R. Crawford
Administrative Assistant III
Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area

P 719.539.7289 x4707  |  F 719.539.3771
307 W. Sackett Ave, Salida, CO 81201

Registration Info

Activity Registration Closed

Registration is not currently enabled. Check the calendar for more activities

