Additional Volunteer Opportunities
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Bluebird Monitor Training - Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area
Saturday, 13 April 2024 @ 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Wildlife - All Ages
This event, meant for new and returning bluebird monitor volunteers, will educate participants on aspects of this role. Individuals will learn how to monitor boxes and different types of birds they may encounter, how to understand and report nest box data, and how to properly care for their route and bird boxes. All volunteers are required to take this training at least once every two years (beginning this year) in order to become or remain as an active volunteer within the program. Participation in this course may be in person, via live Zoom, or via course at a late date.
Volunteers Registered: 35P 719.227.5204 | C 719.649.7348
4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907