Get Involved: Rifle Gap and Rifle Falls State Parks
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Rifle State Park Complex. Volunteer today!

Bluebird Monitoring
Includes checking bluebird nest boxes every 7-14 days, counting chicks, counting survival, and entering information into Role could also include building and installing more boxes throughout Rifle Gap State Park (materials provided).
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Campground Host (Winter)
Rifle Falls is a majestic and beautiful park nestled in a box canyon behind the grand hogback in western Colorado! A trio of waterfalls, lush vegetation and a series of small caves helped Rifle Falls State Park earn a reputation as one of Colorado's best parks.
Volunteer camp hosts are needed in the winter time and may help greet visitors and provide information, complete light maintenance (changing trash bags, cleaning sites, and restrooms), and other special projects to support staff and visitors.
Both Rifle Gap and Rifle Falls strive to provide the very best experience to the visitors possible, and we could not do that without our camp host volunteers! Our hosts are more of a family than anything else.
Site elevation:
6,000-6,600 ft
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Steven Stanton
(970) 625-0391

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A park naturalist can research and present programs to the general public including day and evening hikes or day and evening programs, staff an education table exhibit at Rifle Falls State Park on the weekends, lead school group programs on site, and greet and answer questions for park visitors
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Special Projects
Opportunities may include: serving in the entrance gate, general maintenance and carpentry, trail building and maintenance, and volunteer patrol.
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Trail Work
The trail crew cuts in new trails and cleans up after trail dozers.This is a physical volunteer role that involves the use of various hand tools such as rakes, shovels and chainsaws. Once a section of trail is complete, there is the need for ongoing maintenance and upkeep.
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Visitor Services
This position at Rifle Gap State Park provides information to visitors about Rifle Gap and the surrounding area. Attendants collect fees for camping and daily entrance fees, bookstore items, boat registrations, etc.
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