Get Involved: Cheyenne Mountain State Park - Special Events or One-Time Projects

Special Events or One-Time Projects
- Description:
Share your special skills with the park! Projects are open-ended and provide an opportunity for creativity and suggestions for projects and/or assignments that are outside the realm of naturalist work, maintenance details or trails crew.
Volunteers may do the following:
- assist with clerical duties in the Visitors Center
- work on the website, Facebook and other media
- clean, organize, rearrange supplies within any of the park's facilities
- newsletter compilation and editing
- assist with park events and other projects
- Time Commitment:
- Volunteer Benefits:
Share your special skills and give back to the park.
- Interests:
- Customer Service - Administrative/Office Support, Maintenance and Construction - Grounds/Facility Maintenance, Maintenance and Construction - Landscaping, Customer Service - Entrance Gate Attendant, Special Projects - Social Media, Outdoors and Community Science - Bicycling, Education - Teach Archery Skills, General - Computers and Technology, Habitat and Trail Work - Clean-Up Projects, General - Ongoing Volunteering, Education - Ambassador, Customer Service - Greet and Orient Visitors, Habitat and Trail Work - Fire Mitigation/Restoration, General - Arts & Culture
- Places:
- Cheyenne Mountain State Park
Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Jasmine Wolcott
(719) 576-2016