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Get Involved: Cameo Shooting and Education Complex - Archival Assistance - Past and Present

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Archival Assistance - Past and Present


This opportunity is specific to capturing the story of the Cameo Shooting and Education Complex via construction, events, history, and website advertising (graphic design, etc.). Help us collect and archive photography and written articles through the years of the construction process. Volunteers will "tell the story" of the development of CSEC from the beginning to completion of the site.

Time Commitment:

As Needed; event specific

Volunteer Benefits:

Interact with event participants, staff, and other volunteers while capturing historical data at CSEC.

Outdoors and Community Science - Cultural History, Special Projects - Website, Special Projects - Videography, General - Writing and Editing, Special Projects - Artwork/Graphic Design, Special Projects - Photography
Cameo Shooting and Education Complex

Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Questions? Contact Vallerie Kunz
(970) 464-1339
