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Pole-a-palooza! - Colorado Springs (Area 14) Office
Wednesday, 04 June 2025 @ 09:30 AM to 02:30 PM
Education and Outreach - All Ages
Pole-a-palooza is our annual gathering to assemble approximately 800 fishing poles in preparation for the largest fishing pole giveaway in the southeast region! (Poles will be given away on June 7th at the annual Get Outdoors Day event) This is a fun yet tedious project that will offer a lot of repetition to dial in your pole rigging skills! We will celebrate completion with a lunch party! Helpful tools to bring if you have them are: your favorite needle nosed pliers, line cutters, and eye glasses if you need them! Meets at the SE Region office classroom located at 4255 Sinton Rd. Park in back of the building and enter through the 3 glass doors marked Classroom.
Volunteers Registered: 5 (19 available)