Get Involved: Hunter Outreach - Statewide
Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Hunter Outreach - Statewide. Volunteer today!

Hunt Lead
Hunt Leads are needed to plan, run and organize youth and novice hunts/events for the program. Once the Hunt Support Volunteer has completed their three evaluated events, one of which must be from an overnight hunt, and has been approved by the Hunter Outreach Coordinator, they are now ready to attend a two day Hunt Lead Course which will focus on the education and skills needed to plan, organize and run an event.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Bryan Posthumus
(303) 291-7248

Hunt Support
Mentor youth and novice hunters. Lead and manage hunts across the state.
This volunteer opportunity requires additional training and certification.
Please register at this link.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Bryan Posthumus
(303) 291-7248

Hunter Outreach Program Assistance
Support an individual hunt or the Hunter Outreach program at large. Examples of support include: equipment maintenance or loading, pre-hunt meal preparation, or general office support.
Must be registered as a CPW volunteer and attend volunteer orientation. This position functions as a support role and does not participate on hunts, seminars, or skills clinics.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Bryan Posthumus
(303) 291-7248

Senior Hunt Lead
Senior Hunt Leads assist in management of the program by serving on policy boards, providing recommendations for program improvement and assisting with instruction of student Hunter Outreach Volunteers.
To become eligible for Senior Hunt Lead, the following must be met:
- A Hunt Lead volunteer must have organized and run a minimum of five hunts/events as a Hunt Lead.
- They must also have taught a minimum of one skills clinic/seminar, or a Hunt Support volunteer Course and be certified as in instructor in a minimum of two skills disciplines.
- He/she must then be formally recommended by a current Senior Hunt Leads.
The recommendation will then be sent to and voted on by the rest of the Senior Hunt Leads. If approved, the State or Regional Outreach Coordinator will then give final approval based upon the recommendations and the performance of the Hunt Lead in the field.
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Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Bryan Posthumus
(303) 291-7248