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Get Involved: Fishers Peak State Park - Trail Work

Sagebrush is pictured with other foliage in the background and mountains on the horizon.

Trail Work


Help is needed for trail maintenance efforts, corridor clearing, and special projects on this premier southern Colorado property. With 14 miles of existing trail to manage, plus additional new trails scheduled for construction in 2025 and beyond, Fishers Peak State Park seeks to build a corps of dedicated volunteers to keep our trails safe, fun, and sustainable!

Time Commitment:


Volunteer Benefits:

Volunteers will be well rewarded by the fantastic views, incredible wildlife, and the stories that Fisher's Peak has to share!

Maintenance and Construction - Maintenance and Construction, Habitat and Trail Work - Trail Building/Maintenance
Fishers Peak State Park

Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Questions? Contact Joe Kozlowicz
