Get Involved: Lathrop State Park - Naturalist
- Description:
Assist park staff with education programs on weekend evenings.
- Time Commitment:
Length of programs vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour
- Volunteer Benefits:
Special guest speakers are offered a campsite in exchange for evening programs
- Interests:
- Outdoors and Community Science - Cultural History, Education - Naturalist/Interpretive Programs, General - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Customer Service - Customer Service/Visitor Information, Outdoors and Community Science - Natural History, Wildlife - Wildlife, Outdoors and Community Science - Native Plants, Education - School Programs, General - Arts & Culture, Education - Teach Children, Education - Education and Outreach, Outdoors and Community Science - Geology, Education - Ambassador, Education - Teach Adults, Education - Leave No Trace, Education - Festivals/Information Booths, Wildlife - Wildlife Viewing, Education - Responsible Human-Wildlife Interaction, Special Projects - Assist with Special Events
- Places:
- Lathrop State Park
Ready to get involved?
Apply online to become a volunteer.
Questions? Contact Stacey Koury
(719) 738-2376