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Get Involved: Mancos State Park - Maintenance and Construction

Two rows of metal chairs are leading up to a brown shed, surrounded by pine trees.

Maintenance and Construction


Park maintenance and construction responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

  • Cleanup park grounds and facilities. 
  • Complete special or seasonal maintenance tasks as needed.
  • Carpentry, remodeling or other construction projects.
  • Provide landscape design expertise.
  • Make park information signs.
  • Assist with minor vehicle/equipment repairs and maintenance
Time Commitment:

Based on availability and interests of the volunteer

Volunteer Benefits:

Contribute to park success.

Maintenance and Construction - Grounds/Facility Maintenance, Maintenance and Construction - Maintenance and Construction, Habitat and Trail Work - Clean-Up Projects, Maintenance and Construction - Equipment Repairs, Maintenance and Construction - Landscaping
Mancos State Park

Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Questions? Contact Nathan Bolton
(970) 903-7286
